Saw a mouse in my apartment.
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It's ok. Across the whole insect, plant, animal kingdom there are cases where cohabitation is not tolerated and often leads to one party's death. This is how things sometimes work.
How about
Either I had weird chipmunks or other people do, because even bees did more damage to my house than chipmunks.
Get a bucket or box and place a plank reaching into it. Glue an almond or something with peanut Butter to the end. Oil the plank at the point of no return.
You might have to cover the the edges so they cant jump out.
Thats how I caught 7 mice in a day that refused to get into conventional traps for days.
Can confirm, I just about killed a college roommate once because he wouldn't do his dishes and snored like a banshee.
If you get snaptraps, get the cheap wood ones because all those other ones are trash. The wood ones have a hell of a good spring on them and they're dead RFN. And they're more sensitive than any of the plastic ones I've used.
I live in the country, running a mouse trapline is a necessity. Once you've had the dirty little fuckers set up house where you don't notice them for a few months, you will have precisely zero sympathy for their coexistence in your dwelling. I once had to clean a nest out of a breakerbox with several crisped corpses and every breaker covered in piss and shit.
There's a reason we domesticated cats.
I live in the country
When I lived in the country, I bought rat poison in bulk from the farm supply store. That was much cheaper than buying the little containers at Walmart. Warfarin has an antidote in case you have a stupid pet. (My dog never ate any but I was worried that he would.)
Luckily we don't have rats in my neck of the woods. Though, we have tree rats (red squirrels), and I deal with them with a .22. They can cause a lot of damage as well.
Maybe I should have said rodenticide, because it's not specific to rats (or to rodents, for that matter).
Chipmunks gnawed through our basement casement windows and wrecked holy hell on our house. They can’t easily be trapped. I got them out by borrowing ferrets from one friend and the last one out by borrowing another friend’s house cat.
Your friend's ferrets would hunt? Mine refused even to try eating anything except their pellets.
Our friend’s ferrets got all but one chipmunck. We had to borrow another friend’s cat to get that last one
Get a snake to take care of the mice (there's basically never just one). Once the snakes get out of hand, get a cat to handle the snake population. Then when the cats get out of hand, get a coyote to eat the cats. And when the coyotes start to take over, introduce mountain lions. If the mountain lion population spikes, well then you're fucked.