They're clogging exhaust pipes with foam: Russian sabotage in Germany to discredit the Greens?
I'm truly fascinated to find someone out here saying, "Nothing to see here! Please disperse."
I think what they're saying is "I may not agree with why they did it where they did, but I can imagine reasons and places where the tactic would be a good thing."
Why would a tactic that's deliberately designed by successful professionals to depress support for environmental causes, for pretty obvious reasons if you take a look at it, be a good thing to employ?
The tactic disables vehicles. If a vehicle needs to be disabled, and expanding foam is handy, Bob's your uncle.
Can they come and do it around here to all the cars with twatty exhausts?
No it doesn't. This tactic disables vehicles for a few minutes, until someone fixes it, and is likely to produce a permanent opposition in the person whose vehicle was minorly vandalized to anything activist or environmental.
Green Party people getting elected, and then enacting policies which curb emissions or reduce dependence on ICE vehicles, disables vehicles.
Of course, if you were talking about some other kind of activism which is designed to more permanently disable certain vehicle for certain specific reasons, there are a lot more semi-permanent ways of doing it than this. This is tailor-made to be useless and annoying, which is why the Russians liked it so much, and made sure to leave a card by the Greens taking credit for it.
That's actually quite good promotion for me: If russia goes to this lenghts to depress support for the greens, they are doing something right. If Putin doesn't want them to be in power, I very well would like to have them there
They literally found the specific people who did it, and found the trail of evidence that led to the Russians, and the explanation for why the Russians didn’t want the Greens in power.
Yeah, I have as much trust of the German government as I do the Russian government. The idea that someone working in the GRU or whatever is trying to do regime change by texting people asking them to spray foam in people's exhaust pipes is absurd. If I believed they actually did this, I would not be able to take the Russian CIA seriously.
I had interpreted the same way as them too lmao