Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car
German TUV Reliability Report
Those numbers are very misleading, as it includes rust on the brakes.
EVs don't use their brakes as often due to regen, and vehicles with one pedal driving where you can come to a complete stop without using the brakes, use it even less.
A large portion of these failures are from some rust appearing from lack of using the brakes. Using the brakes would clear the rust, but it's a fail if it's there when you take it in.
That's not to say there aren't other problems, but it's not as bad as the 14.7% makes it look.
Tesla doesn't do a lot of the body work or glass type of things, but if you need a new computer, heat pump or anything like that, it's going to be with Tesla, and especially anything around the battery/power train.
They could open up a lot of that to 3rd parties, but they keep it in house.
I'm also pretty sure their security / safety standards are pure ass. I barely trust our automakers, I sure as shit don't trust the fucking CCP
He has single handedly ruined the reputation of ketamine... Despite being pretty tolerable at the right dosage (doctors literally give it to children for surgery). Kind of a bummer.
However, long term (or even like medium term) ketamine abuse can completely fuck your bladder up. I hope he starts pissing blood and it feels like passing a kidney stone every time.
That's in addition to what that kind of continuous dissociation will do to the way a person thinks and behaves.
Yes, we get to prioritize USA industries vs China's. I'm down for that.
I live in Taiwan and we call those China made cars tofu cars. Their domestic cars are terrible. So many of them are going out of business because the the CCP lowered down the subsidies.
I won't be caught dead in one.
We all know what’s going to happen, Elon just going to get a “government contract”, where he can make it so that teslas will be the main vehicle manufacturer for government.
There is a Tesla New Buyers delivery checklist you can find online that was written by a group of Tesla enthusiasts. Just a few years ago one of the items on the checklist was “Make sure you can put the car in Park (and that it stays parked)”. (Ref:
I’m not away of any other car where this was something people had to check before delivery — apparently it was a bit of a common problem for a time. That seems absolutely crazy to me, and a major failure of QA as it poses a significant safety hazard.
Breaks are kinda important.
Sure, but a little rust because they weren't used isn't a problem, comes off when you use them, but is an instant fail. The brakes are not damaged or broken.
All brakes rust when not used. If you drove around in the rain today, then didn't drive for a few days, you'll probably have a little rust on your brakes. You go for a drive and then it's gone.
If you take your car in for a pre-inspection report, and they see some rust on the brakes, they will tell you to drive it around a bit using the brakes a lot before taking it in to be inspected.
it's not an actual problem.
Ironically, the EV’s suck and are for commies crowd are now lauding Tesla as the best vehicle on the market
Musk aside, Tesla cars have always been pretty shoddy
You can fellate Winnie the Pooh on your own time.
This is me too. I have two of them bought and paid for and people just don't get it: I went all in on this and you can just sell for 15% of purchase price, I still have mobility needs. More to the point my swasticar still has access to the best charging network on the market and even if I COULD just sell, it's not cut and dry. It's easy to shit on Tesla, but it's still the best offering in the EV market for long range driving. And even if it was not, like fuck me I can't time travel. Most people who flame have no idea what the actual hell they are talking about.
I'm sure he already calls his lawyers every day at 3 AM while half blitzed on K to pitch exactly that
And he wonders why NASA turned him down for bringing those astronauts back...
And he actually likes Tesla
The first one was definitely a WAVE.
You're lying for a nazi.
Pretty sure you're focusing on the wrong number out of the two
Nothing quite says "American Capitalist bootlicker" more than proudly paying more for an inferior product while complaining that it's the Communists fault.