Keep your bulky items' original packaging
Bonus tip: LOOK IN THAT CLOSET before you pack up all your dinnerware in store-bought boxes. I am certainly not speaking from personal experience...
So your closet is a cat condominium?
The world is a cruel place, for I am a dog person
Go to a bar or liquor store and ask for boxes. It helps if you go in thursday and say you can pick them up sunday.
A bar I managed threw out probably 50-60 heavy duty cardboard boxes every weekend. Breaking them down was a pain. Id happily save them for anyone who wanted em.
Down side of this: now every large item you have uses twice as much storage space. (Yes I know some boxes can be russian-dolled.)
This is a great top - grocery stores will do it, too. Banana boxes are especially heavy duty, albeit with a hole in the bottom.
I'm dull enough to where I did the math on how many I could fit in my storage locker and opted to spend the $50 to have uniform boxes for maximum efficiency lol
I am not a hoarder and have never reused those boxes so no.
Because you could no longer build an awesome fort with it, right?
It doesn't make sense to keep every box. I'd say be selective about witch boxes make the most sense to keep. Also, be selective about purchases in general and make a regular habit of purging. Refinement and balance will help lead a better lifestyle.
Just learn to make boxes and pack things. For really weird shaped things, spray foam in a plastic bag does the trick.
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