The /r/piracy link to lemmy /c/piracy hit the reddit frontpage with 7K+ updoots!
Hey, Welcome
Congrats to all lemming pirates !
Is X available?
...the fingers
The best instance on lemmy grows ever stronger
I've noticed that every different social media medium/site has its own Eternal September moment. I think, optimistically, that we're still before that point. If we get popular and the general population arrives, it'll also attract the predatory ecosystem of state actors and corporate bullshit.
I think Lemmy and the Fediverse in general is resistant to that, but not immune. I expect an effort to create One Big Instance that most people use, or an oligarchy of large instances working together, like Microsoft and Gmail and co do with email.
Yeah... Lemmings are not perfect and ok with other people disabilities (^_-)
I finally wiped the windows partition off my main home PC last week. Feels good, man.
We'd use Branston beans, but not gonna lie that looks shit hot. Would scran with a bottle of 8% cider.
No love for jetbrains?
Lemmy has a 3 character minimum though
No, we're all on and we're here, not fully defederated. It's just that specific /c/piracy community that is blocked on world.
Oh I know, I was responding to r00ty as to highlight that reg. application seems to work well as spam protection.
I don't advertise so that I don't have to dedicate the whole server to lemmy, currently running multiple other things there aye aye -
Yeah I migrated when they did the API thing. It's quieter here, but I kinda prefer it. Welcome mate
Thank you for the clarification!