Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource
@julian @johnonolan @angus @evan 301/308 aren’t cacheable/idempotent over the Accept header and are meant to permanently update old identifiers. consider 303 See Other for content negotiation purposes, or consider rel=alternate type=… Link headers otherwise.
@julian @johnonolan @angus there's a whole task force for this. You've commented on it. Why does this need to be discussed?
@trwnh @julian @johnonolan @angus there's a doc for this.
@[email protected] this was to ask the mentioned parties for Ghost and Discourse to implement.
I mentioned you to keep you in the loop because task forces achieve nothing without implementors doing the work.
Object IDs should really be retrievable by http GET. See section 3.2 of
@[email protected] yes, that's right. I'm specifically referring to object urls though, which tend to be more user facing.
@julian @johnonolan @angus @evan
Why 301 and not 302?
I am using 302. Probably chose it because everyone else was using it. -
@[email protected] 302/307 is also fine by me. Probably safer from being accidentally cached and may be more appropriate in this situation.
You could save yourself some hassle and make urls and IDs the same value. But you do you
@[email protected] A solution is only needed if the resource id is different from the URL (which in Ghost's case, is true).
You don't have to use a redirect. If your software is capable of doing it, you can serve the ActivityPub object directly from that route's controller; that's what NodeBB does.
@julian If you want to make an issue here about what you'd like to see I'll make sure the team sees it
@julian (Thank you for the ping btw, I appreciate the note - this wasn't on my radar)
@[email protected] no worries, and thanks! Will do.