Sony just axed the 60fps Bloodborne mod with a DMCA takedown
What is the DMCA argument here? Does anyone know what was alleged by Sony?
It would need to be either using copyrighted code or circumventing copy protection. Neither seems likely for a frame rate mod.
Could be distributing a modified copy of a copyrighted binary.
If a publisher doesn't want modders improving the value of their product, I don't feel too inclined to argue with them. There are no shortage of other games from more-amenable-to-modding publishers that could benefit from mods.
Possible I suppose, but if that worked, not sure why they couldn't just provide a diff patch that worked on the user's existing binary...
Why they don't launch rpsc3 code on ps5 tho?
If there's a chance of getting sued, yeah, but really my time would be better spent on mods or contributions to non proprietary games anyway.
Someone really hates bloodborne at sony.
Bloodborne is a PS4 game and the mod used a PC emulator, did it not? That'll be why right there.
Honestly, I an surprised that Nexus Mods hasn't started a tracker yet.
The mod was designed to play in 60fps on a jailbreaked PS4 Pro in boost mode. It just also works on an emulator
They make money selling faster downloads, so thatโs not likely to happen.
Someone fucking mirror it
Thanks much
Yeah we know... I think the issue is more about the insane amount of money Sony is leaving on the table here, and for no reason that anyone has ever been able to figure out.
It's like the only PS exclusive game that has yet to have a modern remaster. It also has to be the most popular PS exclusive released in the past ~20 years.
Forgot they are dealing with Sony.
One can see which torrents you share. So when they can't jail you for that - yes, but money makes laws.
That'd be a Nintendo reference, yes? Though I think somebody else stole Wine code and was caught. No huge consequences obviously.
That doesn't fix the problem here though, which is that a specific distribution source took it down.
Oh wow - that's something I was unaware of!
But then it is certainly the need for a jailbroken console that has Sony filing a DMCA. Sony has historically been ridiculously controlling and tight with their console software... I fortunately was pretty in the know and didn't upgrade my PSP software beyond the version range for running exploits - but there were periods of months where no progress was ever made on future versions. It was a very long, hard fought cat and mouse game. And another example, mod chip makers for PS3/4/5 have been repeatedly taken to court and dismantled by Sony.