Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?
I can say that I enjoy the Final Fantasy series just for the fact that I respect they are always trying something different with each one. This has the end result of me not getting on with several of them, but critically, someone else does.
I just find it kind of beautiful that a series is willing to experiment with itself to such a degree, and that at this point there really is at least one game in it for just about everyone.
All it really means is that I have to accept that not every game has been made with me as the target.
For the record, I was also immensely disappointed in XV. However I loved XVI. The ability cool downs in particular felt very ATB-like to me and I loved the customization. The story is very good and one of my favorites from storytelling perspective (in other words, HOW the story is told).
I also really liked the combat and exploration of XII. And the Zodiac version makes it even better.
I thought XIII had some of the best moments in the series.
XIII-2 perfected the gameplay from XIII and made storytelling and exploration "fun"
XIII: LR is very experimental and has some of my favorite action-based combat in the series.
World of Final Fantasy is a lot of fun if you want turn based monster capturing.
Stranger of Paradise is a blast. My only issue with it is that you can't really overpower by leveling up. I hit a hard wall with a boss and the only way through is "get good".
I didn't get much into Type-O but I keep meaning to.
Theatrhythm exists. I love it, but it's also it's own thing entirely.
Some of us have favorites that arrived well after starting the series.
That said, I feel the need to tap the sign: if anyone thinks mainline Final Fantasy games are bad, they need to play some genuinely bad games for perspective. There are plenty available even within the genre: Beyond the Beyond, Ancient Roman, Lunar Dragon Song, etc.
The series is constantly reinventing itself, and that's going to leave people behind. SQEX still manages to retain consistently high production quality despite that.
X was the last one with a good story
being a linear game isn't a negative though and in ffx you get the airship to do nonlinear content.
interests are subjective I thought the game starting off with the destruction of a city and being flung "1000 years" into the future held my interests
How do you like the toppings on your pizza?
Clearly they haven’t played Persona 5/Royal, and seen how much you can innovate with turn based battles and make them really fun
16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.
FWIW 16 isn’t a basic medieval fantasy setting.
I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.
FF16 is at least advanced medieval fantasy setting
::: spoiler Tag given a huge part of the story is literally aliens either you didn’t play the game or think aliens belong in medieval fantasy. spoiler text :::
I'm not quite that far yet
::: spoiler spoiler
I smashed the mothercrystals and there's the big dark crystal and Mid made the hideout a boat, I gotta get back into it tho clearly!