China is quietly pushing ahead with massive 50,000Mbps broadband rollout to leapfrog rest of the world on internet speeds
Right, so your first mentioned 100gbps will reach what then, 2gbps?
Not sure if youre trolling or just really daft at this point.
I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just IT illiterate, but do you hit 100% of your plans speed 24/7?
Because most people do not, that’s not how it works.
This is for PON technology. 1 fibre can be split 32-ways to feed, you guessed it, 32 customers. 50g over a fibre that is split 32-ways with a minimum of 15db loss is impressive.
I guarantee those 100gbps circuits are a single fibre all the way from the provider to the customer. And they are expensive, very expensive.
Possibly not, but if their whole company can run off 10 gigabit, who needs 50 in their house?
I didn't read that this was for residential connections?
Its not that out of this world, though it is currently completely unneccessary. 10gb+ has been somewhat common residentially for years.
Most residential fiber currently is GPON with a 2 Gbps shared line using passive optical splitters, split up to 32 ways. Raising that shared line to 50 Gbps is a great upgrade.
They're probably not building out 50 Gbps to the rice farmers
Enterprise adopted 100GbE networking around 2019. You can now buy used network cards for around $100 each.
Probably not where I am, that seems really low. I mean it depends if you use name brand or not. Often I don't use the name brand ones
But someone at AT&T would have to sell their yatch
Meanwhile, Telia in Estonia: "The Estonian customer doesn't prioritize connection speed or price, that's why we don't need to offer competitive speed/price ratios compared to what we have in other European countries"
That yacht is fine because someone else at AT&T rotated into a position at the FCC
American companies being welfare queens, imagine that.
I have symmetrical 10 Gbps at home ($30/mo) and I'll agree. When it's nice when you have big updates, for most households 1 Gbps is going to be just fine. As you say, the vast majority of users are bottlenecked by Wi-Fi.
The bigger crime are all the asymmetrical connections that people on technologies like Cable TV networks have, where you get 1-2 Gbps down but only something tiny like 50 Mbps up. This results in crappy video calls, makes off-site/remote backups unfeasible, etc etc.
(or even Ethernet)
Technically, those 100+ Gbps fiber LAN/WAN connections used in data centers are also Ethernet, just not twisted pair.
That said recently I was in a retail store and saw "Cat8" cables for sale that advertised support for 40 Gbps copper ethernet! I wonder if any hardware to support that will ever be released. It is a real standard:
I sure do. Usually even 10% more. Everyone I know tend to get the same results.. Only place i dont hit advertised speed is on mobile, but thats usually plenty enough even in the woods.
In my country, if you dont hit your plan besides when on mobile, something is wrong.
But it's not like the Chinese government to provide that kind of service out of kindness.
Do you actually have 10G switches and network cards, or is everything behind your router on 1G?