Ask my guinea pig anything, and I will let her crawl on the keyboard to answer.
7777777777777uhbj bjhjbb
I'll be careful in future.
Lemme try for real: hunter2
Sounds like them screaming for me after they knocked the water bottle down again.
She is perfect, give her a little kiss in the head for me
If you are in deep trouble and/or your owner doesn't feed you enough treats, type something nonsensical
Carrots or lettuce?
Will do!
What is your take on Punxsutawney Phil’s supposed clairvoyance?
How do you get tan-egg poop out of a keyboard?
Who did you vote for last election?
If an object with the length of 2520 km and width of 1650 km, with a rotation of 24°53'24'', moving at half the speed of light, losing 34.56% of its speed every second, starting from the left-most point on the object touching point A to the right-most point on the object touching point B, takes 45.23 seconds, how far away are the 2 points
llllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm, .
I won't be surprised if this little piggy gets caught up in some sort of public scandal
, m
jlkmm . ..................
We should replace journalists with guinea pigs on keyboards