Will using non-gmail hurt my chance of getting hired?
Protonmail is a widely used and common email provider. There is no reason why an employer would be prejudiced against your application based on you having a Protonmail address. I think a far more common thing employers think about when seeing applicants' email addresses are things like "haha, they're still using their email address from when they were 8 of alexdaboss at gmail dot com", but I highly doubt they care about what domain it's on unless you've got like a pornhub.com address or something.
by moving to a different employer, i guess.
did you mean by betraying coworkers? maybe some people like that idea. I'm strongly against it.
either way, i would avoid such a company.
Proton leaked a user's IP address to law enforcement, you should seek alternatives. source: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/09/privacy-focused-protonmail-provided-a-users-ip-address-to-authorities/
I thought Google Workspace mailboxes aren't scanned?
I tried, and failed hard. When I bought my domain 10 years ago, I didn't put efforts in reseaching domain reputation and got a .xyz tld. Now my mail go straight into spam folder.
if your domain is like cock.li or smth then maybe, but protonmail.com sounds pretty professional
Hey, I still got one.
Google Workspaces still have spam filtering in place, it'd be unusable if not. Admins can create rules for additional scanning if needed. You could also check the MX record to see if you're actually sending to Google first, or a third party scanner who then forwards to Google Workspace.
Great! I can finally relax about my @ryongnamsan.edu.kp email.
They do say that. And I can't say they'd tell us if they started. But for the moment let's assume they still don't. I also can't say that they'd tell us if the government asked them to. But let's put a pin in that too.
They do not claim not to scan the SMTP and mail transport. We know that they do scan it try to discern spam.
Do you trust them not to sell that juicy email they just scanned from an external email address?
It's all good, especially now that they have proton.me when it was protonmail.com I had some issues saying it over the phone as some people didn't understand and it is long to spell.
@umami_wasbi Getting hired for what exactly?
My gut feeling is it might decrease your chance of getting hired by an average soul destroying big corporate, but increase your chances of being hired by a better company that values autonomy and people who think differently.
They complied with a swiss court order, what's surprising there?
Alternatives like Tuta would be subject to the jurisdiction of the Germany, and Germany's laws are not as good as Switzerland, as they are part of the 14 Eyes. You don't actually believe alternatives like Tuta would defy a court order, right?
(Pro tip: Maybe use a VPN to hide your IP. ProtonVPN is subject to different laws as Protonmail and if the activist have used the VPN, their IP would not have been leaked)
As others have commented, a gap in your resume shouldn't even be a part of the conversation since it's just an absence of anything that would be relevant to the hiring process. Doesn't mean you won't be asked though, unfortunately, and I have experience being the candidate with a long gap, so I can tell you how I handled this.
Sitting on the hiring side of the table, my only concern is that you weren't just twiddling your thumbs. If you had personal matters to take care of, unpaid projects to focus on, family to look after, that is all part of life and none of my business. When explaining my own employment gap, I was frank about how my previous appointment had taken its toll on my mental health, and that I wanted to reconnect with other aspects of my life before taking on another role. I didn't go into any specifics, but made sure to mention that part of this time was spent studying stuff that's relevant in my field and exploring emerging technologies.
No matter how long a gap, it's not something you should acknowledge or attempt to explain in your resume or cover letter, and it's not something you need to bring up yourself in the interview. My view is that it's bad etiquette to even ask, and you should try to adopt this mentality yourself so that you project confidence if you have to answer the question. You have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Your life is more than your CV.
Thanks to everyone who replied with advice. Appreciate it a lot.
I'm changing my name to Stephanie right now, and buying harmlessdomain.com if it's available! Then I'll always be fine!
It shouldn’t matter. When you get hired, they’ll give you a new email address to use.