'Everything I Say Leaks,' Zuckerberg Says in Leaked Meeting Audio
- says a lizard person
Imagine being worth 229 billion, and you look like that.
This realities Bond villains are so pathetic looking.
I'm a pacifist hippy tech worker, and I would gladly draw a paycheck from Raytheon long before I even consider applying to Facebook or Twitter.
Drugs and lack of sleep does that to you.
the thing is he thinks he knows better than the rest of us. because he's a billionaire.
It's the finality of it, I think.
Glad to being a smile!
“There are a bunch of things that I think are value-destroying for me to talk about, so I’m not going to talk about those…”
We’ll have you thought about not being a piece of shit
he could at least find a better haircut than pube fro.
well that is what he's saying. what he should try is thinking about why the things he says are so "value-destroying".
If I had as much money as Zuck, I'd have a full body sunscreen applicator installed in my beach house so I just stand there for a second and get my sunscreen.
Like, isn't that an admission that your business has no value?
Symptom of fascism
he's got "ring around the nostrils"
If only that feeling could be cranked up for him x 3 billion.
Drugs and sleep have no effect on cyborgs
Zuckerburg says "Today I ate a sandwich!"
Nobody cares.
But wait......the full quote was "Today I ate a sandwich......of babys!"
Considering trumps orange is sprayon.....that tracks.
It's an improvement over his last haircut
"Would you like your evil done in the traditional overt bombs-dropped-on-children fashion, or the new we'll-sell-your-entire-life-to-the-highest-bidder-while-feeding-you-non-stop-lies-to-establish-a-fascist-regime style, sir?"
This guy: Bomb some kids, at least it's a spectacle.
Now that's an amazing headline.