I believe in ghosts and aliens because of statistics. What do you think?
I was interested in your post title.
But your post suggests your title was misinformed.
Your premise is "Ghosts must be real because an arbitrary 1% of ghost sightings must be real". That's not statistics, that's you trying to convince yourself you're right by misusing math.
No, I'm not claiming that there is there is any evidence for the 1%, the post was entirely on a hunch and speculation. I never claimed that I had proof or claim that the statistics prove on the name of science. It is just a casual thought on affirmation.
Thing about Nessy is that it is localized. It started in an area in Scotland. Assuming Nessy was a worldwide phenomenon where sightings are found more than a couple of times a month, it’d be different.
Nessy is purported to be a single creature living in a single Loch in Scotland; why would there be sightings elsewhere in the world? That's like saying "The Eiffel Tower is only ever sighted in Paris, isn't that suspicious?"
Given the relatively small number of visitors to Loch Ness vs. the number of people in the world with cameras, I'd argue that the sightings per visitor are at a significantly higher rate than UFO or ghost sightings.
Yes, I do believe aliens and ghosts can be confirmed for a greater extent than God.
The difference being that we can use provided recordings, sightings, and reports (as false as many of them may be) to take a lead into discovering more about these phenomena. Using physical instruments to deduce, observe, and hypothesize we can have greater confidence in proof.
In terms of God, from what I have seen, there is no way to deduce and observe using physical instruments.Evidence in God is entirely localized and biased. God, assuming a Judeo-Christian flavor, only accounts for approximately 30% of all belief in the world, which is centralized into more popular locations such as the US, UK, China, and Europe. Other locations may have a more diverse religious background, in which case, a God may be believed in.
Evidence in aliens and ghosts are not limited to location. It is decentralized. -
Statistics don't make something real.
Specially when those statistics are related only to human perception and not a single scientific evidence.
So, no, statistics doesn't make me believe in something.
nice try ghostie , go back to your void
Full disclosure, I'm not claiming the aliens or ghosts to be real, I am affirming my belief due to the improbability of all reports being claimed false.
People will use the incentive to make hoaxes for fame and money. This adds to the 99%.
People have reported high quality pictures. Which begs the question of whether it is real or fake. If fake, it adds to the 99%. If real, it adds to the 1%.
Modern astronomical and surveillance have captured evidence of them. Which begs the question of whether it is real or fake. If fake, it adds to the 99%. If real, it adds to the 1%.
We are not relying on shaky polaroid pictures. And the pictures must disproportionately be seemingly random since they're difficult phenomenon to capture.
Fair enough. I’m not going to, nor do I want to, dissuade you from continuing your search and believing what you believe, just wanted to get a better understanding on how you reason about these things. And initially I had hoped also to spark some questions and maybe second thoughts on your part.
For the record, I’m not entirely following your chain of thought here, and I do not believe as you believe, nor do I really see the the distinction you posed just now, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong and it turns out you’re right.
Using this approach, everything that can't be disproven must exist
Dude, if you wanna believe in ghosts and aliens, just say you think they are real because vibes.
Don't try to justify it with a clunky, misunderstood, and incorrect usage of "statistics."
Flies eat poop, and theres a lot of them. Can't all be wrong. Even if 1% of them are right to do so, you should eat poop.
I never claimed that Nessy was a worldwide phenomenon, it was a hypothetical scenario to express a point.
If the scenario you've describing were to be true, then it'd be something more major to discuss than ghosts or aliens as it would provide the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. I don't expect you to continue vouching for for Nessy and its research potential since it'd be off topic, however.
Not by a long shot.
I appreciate the honesty. I can see how my post got so many downvotes. I definitely misused the term "statistics" by not inferring a casual and metaphorical tone.
No, I don't believe that my reasoning is scientifically sound. I don't claim that my observation is the final truth. I claim that my belief in such things are affirmed (albeit faintly) through the improbability that all unintentional reports and encounters all false.
Ghosts don’t even make sense scientifically. There has not been a single bit of evidence because Videos and photos on their own never proof anything. Aliens on the other hand are just lifeforms on other planets. We ourselves are proof that life exists so the probability of more is not 0. We don’t need sketchy photos as proof for that and they will probably never visit us anyways.
They're two very different things. One is supernatural one is simply unknown.
Statistically, yes, life on other planets probably exists in some form as there's just so many. But whether they've contacted, visited or even known about us - I don't think so. Conspiracists will think secrets are being hidden but that's what makes them feel important.
Ghosts - nah. There's no proof beyond human imagination.
You don't understand statistics at all.
How high are you right meow?
I won't dispute your claim, as your argument is flawed from the beginning.
But answer me this: What's the expiration date on ghosts? There has to be one, because otherwise there would be a lot more ghosts from any and all eras.
And that includes Neolithic era ghosts.
And what about the Neanderthals? And dinosaurs? Why do we never hear of ghosts from other species?
Then all the gods must be real too according to your statistics. Now tell me, which is the right one to follow? I better pick a side soon