‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners
It's not insignificant at all. Servers are beefy and take more power than a standard PC... a lot more. Further, failover servers mean you have to have exact copies of the same server up and available, which means you're doubling, tripling, quadrupling power demands. Finally, you also have to have Uninterruptible Power Supplies, those take an amount of power as well.
It's a huge power draw. I know because I have a bunch of low-power devices runnig 24/7 as microservices and it still increase my power bill and use by a lot. I regularly get letters from the power company about how I'm using like 3x the power of the average person in my type of unit.
Any time I'm required to use an app for something that could be a website, I leave the app a one star review.
Hell yeah, consumer win. I like selecting an item and it offers me changes or addition options that I never would have considered!
But really, it means they can hire less people so they gain profit anyway.
That is what I noticed. Everything these days require app to get shopping vouchers, book tickets, go in to your local gym, pay in store (we are being weaned off from using cash) etc.
This kinda shit is why I go to Aldi instead. They give everyone the same low prices. Tesco have their clubcard and seeing how much more they want to charge me for not having one puts me off ever going there on a regular basis.
Also under 18s can't get these loyalty cards here so fuck you I guess you have to pay a load more.
I regularly get letters from the power company about how I'm using like 3x the power of the average person in my type of unit.
I'm also using a lot of self hosted things but have never received any of those.
Where do you reside generally where they're sending them because it ain't a thing here in the UK?
Someone make a smartphone that isn't a steaming pile of shit then. The pinephone was so close but struggled with SMS when I tried it.
US, west coast.
I don't think I'd feel "attacked" but more impressed that I came to light if they sent me them very much like a naughty "copyright warning" and would send it back with a brick in it.
Cloudalist's and their technofuedalism
I had not considered that an uninterruptible power supply would be consuming power after charging. I suppose no electronics are 100% efficient at what they do.
I've been playing with a Proxmox server on an ITX system for local services and rare game hosting for friends. I'd love something low power I could have on all the time.
You might enjoy SecScannerQR then. It makes it easier to vet QR codes by giving an option to search for the URL instead of going there directly.
"Continue reading this on the reddit/instagram/tik tok/blablah app" No, I didn't need to see it that badly.
Yeah, that's a nope from me. I'm trying to eliminate as many apps from my life as I can.
Even the homeless in my city have smartphones.
Even if I was willing to download all of those apps I don't have room for them. They chew up 50-300mb each (why!?) and if I installed all of them I'd run out of memory. Since most phones now don't support memory expansion I have to be picky about which ones I use.
Yeah, exactly. If you're worried about the power draw to host a few hundred KB PDF file, you probably shouldn't be using Lemmy, because scrolling through your feed probably uses 100x that in energy costs.
You have to remember that the shared hosting or aws, or wherever is going to be cheapest to host a simple website is also going to be very power efficient. Wasting power is just throwing away free money, and if there's one thing corporations don't do, it's throw away free money.
Losing your phone now is like losing not just your wallet but simple access to everything.
Same. We have two grocery stores nearby, both with loyalty programs. One requires using the program to get discounts, while the other doesn't (you just miss out on points). Guess which I shop at...
If I need to go to the other one (Kroger family), I'll use my parents' number so they get the points. I go maybe once/year if there's a particularly good deal.