GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
Yeah, that too... Everything is political if you want to really get into it. People just want to be able to ignore it until it directly affects them.
the EU wants backdoors to encryptions, so eu not any better.
I use it in a browser tab because I refuse to have them snoop around on my running processes.
Ok, fair enough then. Could have been a simple misunderstanding.
It certainly is the lesser evil though.
I’m not naive enough anymore for this kind of trust.
They refused to use the right pronoun. One is a mistake. The other is a choice.
Once Servo is finished, we might have a browser rennaisance (I hope)
That would be nice. I know lately I've been playing around with gopher sites with command line browsers. It's been fun seeing what others have made.
If you don't mind my asking, what forums do you use? I'm trying to find new communities.
Here we fucking go again.
They refused to accept a PR from a random person with just one single word change for a string that only the developer himself is seeing.
I think the developer has all the rights not to accept such a PR which adds nothing to the program. And I think people that really care about gender inclusivity should stop focusing on this useless nitpicks, which makes inclusivity appear like made up by a bunch of trolls.
Frankly at this point I'd be willing to contribute to a strongly copyleft, privacy focused browser even if it meant yet another fucking 'subscription'
there may also be the possibility of the dev simply not wanting to define his views publicly out of the blue, because regardless of stance, you will make enemies, potentially hindering the projects development or facing personal repercussions.
It should be allowed for someone to not out themselves as either transphobic or an ally. If the person does have issues with pronouns, it's better if they simply keep to themselves instead of loudly proclaiming it. The other way around it's the same - even if someone is pro trans, it might not be suitable for them to openly speak about it - it might even put them in danger.
I agree with you that this is often a dog whistle, but it might also be a poor choice of wording.
Just installed it on void. Still not quite usable for daily use but it's not bad.
Ask Mozilla
So what?
I'm pretty sure my Debian doesn't collect personal data either
Also you need an account to even view it. And I've heard they're really trigger-happy about banning the accounts or holding them hostage until you provide a phone number...
No, there is no source, because it's an overinflated nothingburger created to stir up controversy and division.