Aah! I knew I forgot some! Excellent list!
Whats the most rewatchable TV series of all time?19 days ago -
Whats the most rewatchable TV series of all time?19 days agoOh, formatting, no….
Whats the most rewatchable TV series of all time?19 days agoI watch too much tv:
Ted Lasso
The Good Place
Parks and Rec
The Office
Brooklyn 99
Northern Exposure
Schitt’s Creek
Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Fawlty Towers -
Why do males complain about female-led stories or too many female characters when the majority are still dominated by males?19 days agoBecause men run entertainment, we can make sure men are making it. Because men are making it, their Mary sue stories are the ones that get released.
That’s how it happens, in my opinion, but I don’t get how more men aren’t completely fucking bored looking at it and listening to it! Seriously, as a middle aged, acerbic, bearded white man, I’m sick of seeing characters that only I can relate to. It’s not a compelling character anymore. I want different characters with different stories!
BuzzFeed is taking on Instagram, TikTok, X with a new social platform designed to spread ‘joy’25 days agoBuzzfeed Saves The Internet!
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