Ah, so 5 eyes. Tuta is German so 14 eyes. Not a lot of options out there
I’m seriously starting to consider moving from proton to Fastmail.3 days ago -
I’m seriously starting to consider moving from proton to Fastmail.3 days agoIs Fastmail US based?
I've never used Proton.3 days agoIsn’t Njalla a registrar?
And now I’ve ditched Proton.3 days agoExactly this. I left after the previous comments but still felt they had integrity. That’s also starting to change
Can someone recommend a good and privacy oriented alternative to Proton Drive.3 days agoTuta mail
I’m seriously starting to consider moving from proton to Fastmail.3 days agoI switched after the CEO came out supporting Trumps nomination and the republicans being the party of the small guy
Signal's CEO: Then We're Leaving Sweden | Sweden Herald4 days agoGood point
If you have HTTPs everywhere on, how much harm can a malicious wifi network do?5 days agoThat's true. Was going to setup a NAT rule to test it out but then realized that there's no way I can redirect outbound traffic on 443 to a Pi Hole on 53, lol.
If you have HTTPs everywhere on, how much harm can a malicious wifi network do?5 days agoTechnically if you have a NAT redirect rule that routes all outbound traffic on a specific port, you could redirect to port 53 on the pihole and it would be visible because the DoT/ DoH terminates at the Pi which his brother could control? VPN is still a safe bet.
Apple Caved8 days agoThey’re not handing over keys though. They’re just not offering ADP in that region anymore(?) I doubt they would be allowed to hand out keys (which they do not hold) to another government that would compromise American businesses, agencies, etc. The US was already noticing the dangers in this demand and I’m hoping that this was an attempt at a compromise. I guess we’ll never know though, since this included a gag order as well
Elon Musk’s X blocks links to Signal - Signal has been a primary method of communication for federal workers looking to blow the whistle on DOGE.12 days agoMonthly for me
Elon Musk’s X blocks links to Signal - Signal has been a primary method of communication for federal workers looking to blow the whistle on DOGE.12 days agoMost likely invite links to various groups / contacts
What is your profession?12 days agoEveryone here is using Lemmy and is either in SWE, Sys Engi, Sys Admin or DevOps.
/s kinda
Overwatch 2 Spotlight: A New Era of Innovation and Excitement16 days agoBring back the original. Bring back Jeff.
Password Managers16 days agoKeePass + Tresorit
Manor Lords, the best city builder of 2024, hits 3 million sales as players continue to fill its maps with muddy medieval towns20 days agoIs that Louis CK?
What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?20 days agoAlso from San Andreas (or maybe Vice City) R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up. It was used for different weapon sets and I think you could change the dpad combo at the end for different sets (eg left down right up left down down down)
What do people use for a shelf-stable backup21 days agoReminds me of project Silica. Media historically was more durable (stone/ ink and cloth paper, etc) but had a low data density. As density increased, so did fragility
Don (Novaspirit Tech) passed away24 days agoSo sad, I remember seeing his YT vid announcing his health updates and mentioning he was getting things in order to make his network more manageable for his family
He seemed like a great dude.
Flirting with Trump is flirting with Nazism - Response to Andy Yen (CEO of Proton AG) on Reddit 📢📢📢28 days agoYeah, born in 88 and also a lucky number in some cultures