Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car
My brother has a model 3. It's a nifty car. The advanced cruise control (not their FSD) is better than the Blue-Cruisr in my Ford, and works on more roads. Build quality seems about the same TBH, although my brother may just have a good example. The Tesla charging network is expansive, and would be a major point to the Model 3, but other cars can charge there now, even older models can do it with an adapter.
Ergonomics-wise, I think the Ford is much better. Better controls on the steering wheel, has a "gauge cluster" instead of putting important info on the center display away from the driver's line of sight, and it's easier to open the doors, both from the outside, inside, and in the case of emergencies.
I don’t think this is true.
Yeah, it's why I added a question mark.
I've had one friend say because it's electronic that only Tesla can fix certain things? Maybe I misunderstood maybe they meant that because it's under warranty where the dealership should be fixing it.
Apparently a big part of Tesla's business is selling carbon credits to other automakers... Which relies on them having a certain number of EV sales. If they drop below a threshold, then they can't sell those credits anymore.
Relatively speaking, Hitler was one of the worst people to ever live! And the richest man alive today idolizes him.
Imagine if Mansa Musa and Hitler teamed up! The world needs to not experience that!
Kicked dog hollers.
probably his upbringing.
Its ironic that when reading another thread about the motivation behind this gesture, 'having taken too much Ketamine' was one of the more innocent suggested explanations! What a World!
I had to google Overton window, (I learnt something) and your comment sounds plausible
He tied the financing of his loan to buy Twitter with Tesla shares, if they tank it pressures the Saudis to call in the billions they loaned him for the purchase. He'd survive, but it would embarrass him which would be funny.
Plenty of people have shitty parents and turn out fine. That’s no excuse at all.
It's not locked in such a way that only Tesla can do it, but it can be hard to find places that will service them. Especially smaller shops just don't want to go through the hassle of figuring it out, and figuring out how to order parts and such, at least where I live.
Basically, it is going to depend on the shops near you and while Tesla doesn't seem to actively prevent it I think they make it enough of a hassle for other shops that it may be true in some places that you can only rely on them for repairs.
How do you feel about owning a Nazi car? Any feelings around that? Curious about your feelings or anyone else owning a Tesla right now.
Let's look through your own Wikipedia link.
Nazism [...] [has] disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system.
The union hating, multi-million dollar lobbying, vote-bribing billionaire totally supports actual democracy guys, trust me!
Its beliefs include support for dictatorship
He actively supports Trump's unitary executive theory and related policy goals.
Elon supporting an antisemetic tweet
He blames communism for making his trans daughter mad at him
He actively supports stopping aid to Ukrainians and ceding their land to Russia
scientific racism
white supremacy
Here's him spreading scientific racism that claims people of European descent are superior
Elon refuses to enforce Twitter's policies against homophobia and transphobia
ableism, and the use of eugenics
white supremacy
He regularly promotes white nationalists online
The only very few, specific categories I didn't find any explicit mentions of him doing in my 10 minutes of searching around were anti-Romani sentiment and social darwinism, and you'd be hard pressed to prove that everyone you'd probably otherwise consider a Nazi throughout history believed every single possible bullet point in this Wikipedia page.
If all this doesn't make him a Nazi, then I don't know what does.
I disagree. He's done enough that calling him a Nazi feels accurate to me. Or at least enough of a Nazi sympathizer that I totally support not doing business with him.
What I get frustrated by is justifying hurting the people that have his cars. Having a Tesla does not make one a Nazi sympathizer. You could maybe make the case that buying one today might, but even then I don't think it's justified attacking people for having a car.
If you want to be an extremist about it, hurt the dealerships and the company. Don't go after people who are almost certainly not that different from you. The people keying cars just want to feel smugly superior to someone and feel morally justified for being an asshole, they don't want to make anything better for anyone. If that's how you act, you're just a fascist with a slightly different ideology.
Oh fuck off, bootlicker.
Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
Nazi's are far-right to the extreme, Musk and Trump are Right-Wing. Nothing more. Disagreeing with them doesn't make them Nazi's and calling them Nazi's actually says more about that persons intolerance than they think it does.
Yeah that's the number one reason I'm looking at other cars right now. So you could say I have some feelings about that.