FTC investigates “tech censorship,” says it’s un-American and may be illegal
Reveling in their hypocrisy won't save anything.
They don't care that you think and I see them as hypocrites.
When they say tech censorship they mean people should be allowed to say bigoted shit
It slightly saves my sanity. Only slightly though.
Hey government how’s it going
Jesus fucking christ
I know the point of this is probably just intimidation but 35 companies? Are there 35 social networks that moderate content? Why is Apple included? Is there some conspiracy theory that they’re censoring conservative App Store reviews?
Good thing we have a fair and balanced FTC? Right?
Lets see:
We have 2 Democrats 2 Republicans, and...
oh... one vacant seat
(also, one of the Democrats was appointed in 2018, we all know who was president then)
And by "free speech", we mean you have to publish what we tell you.
For them, them being able to be hypocrites is a "cool thing"
If we wind up in a situation where the EU mandates a form of censorship that the US bans, I assume that the platforms in question would have to separate their EU and US users and sites.
Never stops being true.
It should be interesting to see how it plays out, indeed.
I don't expect the US will entirely ban all forms of content moderation. I wouldn't be surprised if the US moved more in the direction of the EU Digital Services Act: required transparency on recommendation algorithms and some sort of NGO trusted flagger system.
Also, similar (but opposite) to Splinternet: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brussels_effect
And post as much disinformation as they want without "censorship".
Tomorrow: Trump installs loyalist with zero qualifications as head of FCC.
I doubt it. They could just sensor based on location.
It's not censorship, it's "censorship". You know, like banning nazis, calls for harming women etc.
Generally speaking, when a much stronger party forces upon you a mechanism, it doesn't work in your favor. Whether they call it free speech (for bot campaigns too, while you get banned) or moderation (your opponent insults you in every comment, and they are fine, but you insult them once - you're banned).
The super weirdest thing is that people again and again believe that the strong party belonging to "their" side will do things right this time in history.
Do as I say not as I do is power of no one stops you.
Yeah, I wonder how long until Elmo arrives to "make the FTC more efficient" lmao
We need fELONs crack team from X -said no one
You misunderstand. This IS Trump's chosen stooge. FTC Chairman Carr.
He's complaining about tech companies "censoring" conservatives for "speaking their minds", aka being hateful bigots and spreading misinformation during a public health crisis.
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