'Everything I Say Leaks,' Zuckerberg Says in Leaked Meeting Audio
angrystego@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
He owns the company, he can represent it anyway he wants. If he owes anything to his employees, it's fair wage (I have no idea how fairly or not he pays).
laranis@lemmy.zipreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
And a copy of "The Art of the Deal" alongside an illustrated translation of "Mein Kempf".
nieminen@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
Ooo both signed!
phoenixz@lemmy.careplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
why does everyone treat me like I'm an asshole?
Asks the asshole
phoenixz@lemmy.careplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
He means bribery?
cyberpunk007@lemmy.careplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
True, IE following you around the web and building a profile on you even if you don't have a Facebook account.
tangent5280@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
I remember reading this - IIRC the kingdom had an independant archivists division that was not under the control of the king, for the sole reason that kings would try to fit the narrative to their benefit.
mattw03@lemmy.careplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
maxpow3r11@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
Oh no...is someone taking your privacy?
That's interesting...
acosmichippo@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
he owns 14% of Meta.
vala@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
I wonder if he realizes that's because no one around him respects or likes him?
cmdrulle@feddit.orgreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
That was a great read. Thanks!
rumba@lemmy.zipreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
presidential library
It's probably a human trafficking hub, his friends check out people.
sumguyonline@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
If someone out journalists email in every single email distro, and it stayed there past and upgrade so no one knew who did it, and every single internal memo was simply sent to a new reporter... That would be so damn funny. You know they got email distro's with thousands of emails... Wouldn't have been hard todo 2-3 yrs ago...
nospotofground@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
No, so try to keep it short.
freefall@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
It's a building with his name on it, I don't think he cares what it is or does.
jumpingspiderman@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
Dumbass Oligarch complains about having to watch what they say.
kelsier@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
(not exactly a reply to you but a general reaction to all the news related to tech giants and Trump since the inauguration)
My take on the Linux "ban" is that it probably was intended to be a soft shadow ban (but something went wrong) on free software and open source alternatives. These companies are at the top, they now have the money and the government, there is only one thing that can bring them down: the people. It's as simple as just deactivating or deleting your facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google accounts (talking to those with an account). There was life before them, there was internet before them and there are alternatives (we are using one right now). Yes, there are a lot of benefits to using these platforms but what's gonna be? Continue to fuel these companies by complaining about them and their CEOs and Trump, on their platforms, or leave and stop being part of the problem?
chickenladyloveslife@lemmy.worldreplied to Guest 29 days ago last edited by
“The Art of the Deal”
The book Trump has never even read (according to the guy who actually wrote it).