EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3
Are they trying to become the not most hated studio? The bar is pretty low these days...
To make the opensource project even better!
The compiler has optimized the rendering engine too much to be decompiled into any useable code. Somebody is working on Linux and 64bit support which will need to have this completely rewritten. https://github.com/dkfans/keeperfx/blob/master/src/bflib_render_gpoly.c
The maintainer of KeeperFX told me that EA does not have the original code anymore though.
Open Red Alert
If it doesn't then I'm not interested.
No. The repo has Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1, Generals with Zero Hour, Renegade, and components for the HD ports of TD and RA1 they put out a few years ago.
That's actually kind of a brilliant concept that should serve as an example for other video game publishers then: open-source the program so that it can be maintained by the community, but require a license to use the artwork. The community could eventually recreate and even improve the artwork anyway.
You can make complete conversions with your own assets. That's basically how old id engines work.
I feel like at some point, EA became the least hated major studio by staying exactly where they were. The rest of the industry zoomed past them.
Correct. The license (at least, the one I read for Red Alert) is GPLv3 with some additional stuff. The additional stuff is mostly about not using EA trademarks in your version or showing any connection to EA itself. So it appears that a clean room asset swap would be allowed as long as it includes the title screen.
The GPL is a way to make intellectual property work the way it should by default.
Nah, you're going way too far. Least hated studio? What about CD Projekt Red? Larian? Fromsoft? Who hates Warhorse more than EA?
When I first played Red Alert, it was on a computer with a 6.4GB hard drive, and I had no idea how to fill up that much space at the time. I think we'll be fine.
The whole premise is "America: Fuck Yeah, The RTS".
You can hate the company while accepting this. EA doesn't have exclusive control over that game anymore.
Maybe I should clarify that to "publisher". EA itself doesn't really make games anymore. They fund the studios who make games.
From what I've read/know, the source for Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 were lost a while ago. Doesn't mean it can't be reverse engineered at some point, but it's challenging. I'd LOVE for those to be next though!