Signal's CEO: Then We're Leaving Sweden | Sweden Herald
Wow. The mental gymnastics earn you a gold medal, congrats. Good luck to you.
you will be punished with negative numbers!
Thanks for making me chuckle.
"no reason"
Some people are just genuinely fucking stupid.
Hello there, fellow Internet old-timer!
Alright, so you don't actually have anything to say.
I guess that can happen with that definition of "critical thinking".
I couldn't agree more.
I have plenty, but the internet taught me not to feed trolls
Mental shortcut to again avoid critical thinking.
Nothing in my comment indicates trolling. Unlike you, who dropped in with a paternalistic and insulting comment, I have elaborated every single point in good faith.
However, you decided to take yet another mental shortcut and call it "mental gymnastic", because either you can't be bothered to, you are unable to, or unwilling to defend your own opinion.I will leave it at that. Hopefully you can "critically think" and draw your own conclusion about whose behavior is closer to that of a troll.
Can't argue with your experience in the matter, that's for sure.
Its them just being idiots, like illegal activities will kedp going using old good pgp, and normies will get spied by political shit, as privacy for honest people.
Can't argue
with your experience in the matter, that's for sure.FTFY
Now this has been fun, but since you decided to ignore everything I said when I thought a conversation was hard but possible, you demonstrated to lack knowledge of the subject (that "it's just a tax thing" was chef's kiss) and now you flipped the table, I will close it here from my end.
It's relevant because Switzerland is not Sweden, and thus Swedish laws do not apply to Swiss companies...
The news is about a proposed law in Sweden, not Switzerland.
ISP blocking, probably not, but yes ISPs can block Signal by blocking all known Signal servers. That’s why Signal supports special proxies that allow individuals to run to a
The US as of now is not threatening to kill end-to-end encryption.
If they go after encryption in earnest there's not going to be any room for secops left.
It's not called critical thinking it's called being a troll. And I'm not respond to you with anything but this statement.
None of your statements here are accurate your original statements were lies and you are a troll.
Nice, I get to use the only thing I know how to say in Swedish (forgive the lack of diacritics): forlat, jag pratar inte svenska.
Proton is a company claiming to operate under Swiss law (which is doubtful,as the company itself is US based).
Sadly Swiss data privacy laws are shit and it's intelligence agencies are known for overreach, especially when it comes to cross border data traffic.
That sounds like unencrypted communication with extra steps. Why not skip all of that and just give them an unencrypted service anyone can read and use. While we are at it, getting rid of those pesky passwords and unwieldy usernames is also a great idea. What could go wrong... I mean CLEARLY no one has anything to hide...