PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why
As of about an hour ago, it is back up
They gave out Wipeout and infamous for free out of that, I got a lot of play time out of those two games.
I don't disagree completely, but it's not as easy as you think. We're not talking about server in the sense of a headless game client that will coordinate a match, we're talking about a whole infrastructure of micro services and a web of communications and APIs just to get a basic authentication working. Not to mention possibly encrypted hard coded addresses to contact. That being said I 100% agree that before a game is abandoned a plan should be put in place to allow people to keep playing it, even if it's complicated and cumbersome to setup, or even if it's as crude as removing authentication entirely.
I only have the one ps5. I did have a ps4 if that matters. Tried to play like 5 games this afternoon. All of them had a lock on the icon and when I tried to play it complained about PSN.
This would basically be my reply as well. Companies are in the game to make money, and setting up all this infrastructure, not to mention maintaining it, is NOT cheap.
It's Bohemia so like modern day Czech Republic
PS4 may still be your primary console.
That’s a single player game. You need to be online to play it?
I’m wondering. I’ll look into that. Thanks for the heads up.
It's the sequel to the first one, and historical accuracy was like, at the center of of that one. Your character starts off the game not knowing how to read, because in medieval Europe, literacy was not widespread and the son of a blacksmith certainly wouldn't know how to read, so books you pick up in the game are total gibberish until you learn to read.
That was the case for me when I got my PS5, I had to manually set the PS5 to being the primary, even though I didn't even own the PS4 any more.
It's like the anti pirating software. Drm? Can't tell if I own it or not.
Your math needs some work…
2025 - 2011 = 14
2011 + 6 = 2017