What is the most infuriating "is not a big deal" you have ever heard?
A force like ice is necessary though. Unregulated immigration does result in issues in the receiving country;that only works when 2 countries are economically similar. It's their use that's indictive of faciam rather than their existence imo
Absolutely and lets add that some children only disclose once to a trusted adult who might not always pay attention.
It breaks my heart. -
It is. Sending you an internet Hug. You matter and should have had someone who listened to you back then.
The comment is about the case google won for collection and selling data of individuals and the ramifications of that case. This is the primary underlying issue in the present.
The right to own and sell a part of a person—their digital self is ultimately a forfeiture of autonomous citizenship. It is also an implied forfeiture of freedom of information which is the third pillar of democracy. Allowing the ownership over a part of a citizen is giving up citizenship. This is why you do not own anything, and everything is a subscription, and enshitification; it is all due to this one core issue of your right to own all of yourself free from slavery including the sale and exploitation of a part of your person. This is a master link, the precedent that lead to where we are at. "The ads based internet" is about the sale and collection of your personal data with the intent to exploit you. That is a violation of a fundamental human right. This was never about banner ads. It is about placing people in information bubbles and spheres of influence. It is about stupid consumers and corporate overlords extracting taxes for every move a peasant makes. Such is the true power of controlling information. Like your internet search results are not deterministic. It does not matter where you search. There are only 2 web crawlers that are relevant in the present world; Google/Microsoft. All others indirectly query these two. They can fingerprint and track nearly everyone in real time. You are being targeted for more than just ads. This is the death of democracy because a citizen must be autonomous and well informed in any democracy and this is not possible when you can be manipulated through bowdlerization and targeted misinformation or overload.
Oh hey, I appreciate the info! Seems I misremembered. I actually attempted to double check before posting but kept getting wildly different numbers from different sources.
What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is not the matter of the state!
What? Meat provide like 90% of my protein intake. What are you suggesting here? Stop living?
Oh yeah, you are doing fine just by eating vegetables. I don't.
And no, I don't eat meat to have pleasure. I eat it to live.
If you have non-meat alternatives that are within your means and provide the same nutritional value, and you still choose to eat meat on purpose, then it is for pleasure. But if you have a specific circumstance that is preventing you from switching to alternatives, then that's a different story.
Pronouns. Especially bad when a 2SLGBTQIA+ person makes out like its not a big deal.
Its the most simple, base level thing you can do (using correct pronouns for someone etc). Doing it is not a big deal. Its very easy. But if you choose not to, despite how small of a deal it is, then you turn it into a very big deal.
Some people would look at the oncoming environmental end of civilisation and go "ugh, another VEGAN trying to shove their ideology down my throat"
but i have an extremely rare disease that forces me to eat dead animals, animals do it too, plants feel pain, a vegan was rude to me 10 years ago, and its not like me paying for farmers to kill animals and thus creating a demand for meat means i have a hand in it!!!!!!!!
It's all good. Firearms in general are an autistic special interest. (No, seriously. I'm high-functioning autistic, and guns have been a special interest for, um, a very long time.) I don't expect anyone outside of policy wonks to have hard numbers memorized.
I wish. lol. no, I just became an adult.
I don’t really care, nor do I see it like a big deal. I’ve done my best in the past, but it’s also easy to say it wrong by accident.
Also, I don’t have the least idea what 2SLGBTQIA+ means, so I need the person to be clear with me what I should say.
And as a corollary, people acting how they just can't imagine how an economy could possibly work if people who do the actual work owned their means of production.
people do it just for pleasure
there are other reasons, and pretending there aren't won't help youconvince the people who continue to choose it.
I mean, obviously you can't just magically know someone's pronouns. The point is that you try.
I'm not disagreeing with you. My mother has been a vegetarian for decades. She suffers from blood pressure problem and constantly has to go see her doctor. Every time it gets worse she has to eat a small amount of meat to boost her nutritional level, but then she always goes back to being a vegetarian.
If it's OK for anyone to have a meatless diet, good. If further more he or she does it to save the planet, even better. But not everyone can do so, so I hope those who can do it stop pointing fingers.
Can you... Provide some of those reasons?
Why doesn't your mother take a vitamin?