What do you believe that most people of your political creed don't?
A 2 year old is a baby, an unborn fetus is a fetus, an extension of the parent. It doesn't have thoughts, feelings, communication, and I would always value the parents life over its own.
If you give away a 2 year old you don't really have to do much, but if you want to give away a 7 week old fetus, you still have to carry it to term, deal with discrimation and discomfort, deal with any medical issues that may arise, go through the extremely painful procedure of giving birth.
Just as you cannot be forced to donate your organs after death to help save countless lives, you cannot be forced to go through so much pain and trouble just to give birth to a life that doesn't exist yet.
So brave
It does when you only do it for trans people. This is a common thing that a lot if trans people have experienced so it kinda comes across as being "PC" while not acknowledging their identity.
Propaganda functions with a pre-supposition of the initial dominance of the material over the immaterial. People are functionally motivated to accept specific ideological and social viewpoints where the material state encouraging that comes first. I think this article makes an interesting case for why this general concept is non-Marxist: https://redsails.org/masses-elites-and-rebels/
it's not that difficult, it's quite obvious that immigrants and poor people have less buying power and therefore create less demand, while probably working harder than any billionaires and therefore create more supply.
i'd also argue that is straightforward to see. i don't see your misunderstanding?
I'm curious how you square "they live in a bubble" with them being right?
As a woman I'm not a fan of calling men simple or easy. They've just been conditioned differently, and that's a continued part of the patriarchy.
I think we should create a system where people have a choice. Life in prison or death. I think k it would clear up a lot of the ethical issues of the death penalty.
I'd argue nearly every single social issue is an economic one. Abortion? Anti-abortion laws are intended to force people to have kids they can't afford, making them desperate for work to keep their kids fed and clothed. Racial equality? I mean, do I need to say more than the fact that most minorities are statistically poorer? The only one that can be argued is purely social is Trans people, and I simply can't fathom letting people die for being who they are, or ignoring the blatant attacks on them from the right.
Okay, but where is it now?
If the left you're talking about is the dems, no the fuck they aren't. Dems aren't the ones constantly putting forth bills about Trans people. The most any dem has done is post some milqtoast "trans rights" sticker or something.
But I agree I think the dems shouldn't have justified the fear mongering about immigrants when the right started screeching about it. But that's also on news orgs justifying it.
I'd argue the pandemic is what fixed the dmv, not running it like a business.
It's often lost that in the pro-choice conversation, chosing to keep the pregnancy is also a valid choice.
I believe that the stance against nuclear power (specifically, nuclear fission, as opposed to radioisotope power used by spacecraft) by greens undermines the fight to stop global warming, and that many of the purported issues with nuclear power have been solved or were never really issues in the first place.
For instance: the nuclear waste produced by old-gen reactors can be used by newer generations.
The problem that runs into is that afaik even with the not as undeniable proofs the US is using atm the death penalty costs them more than paying for the living expenses of the suspect. And that is nothing to speak of no proof being undeniable enough.
I do think stating pronouns at the beginning of conversations is a bit clunky, but in almost every internet interactions (including email),having a reference to someone's pronouns helps both when they're trans and when it's faceless. Like if someone's has a gender neutral name, it can save confusion between a group message or email chain to be able to refer to them with the right pronouns.
Cultural appropriation is specifically a method in which suppressing groups deny the cultural heritage of oppressed around. To call it a faux pas is ridiculous and ignorant
That is ignorant to what racism actually is. Racism is not just a set of unconnected rude actions towards someone but specifically exists within a cultural context that subjugates certain groups. Racism upholds that oppressive framework and racial bias in statements and beliefs help to encourage that false framing of the world. White men aren’t oppressed in the same way that a racial minority woman is and to say it is racism or sexism all the same is to downplay those specific experiences and cultural norm that holds certain groups and the individuals within those groups down.
I dislike criminalization at all because if a doctor at any point has to consider if they can prove that an abortion was medically necessary in a court of law, I find that to be a violation of their ability to care for their patient.
The 2 year old can exist separately from their parent. A fetus can't, in most abortion cases.
Yeah, of course, death penalty is never acceptable and must be abolished entirely. Even setting aside that no proof of a physical event can be 100% solid, or all the other practicality arguments; even the worst rapists, murderers, terrorists and billionaires are still humans and do not deserve death.