I'm a 6'1" (185 cm) man with stupidly small size 3 US (EU 34) feet. I've never met another adult with smaller feet than me.
Octopuses wouldn’t wear shoes so the math doesn’t add up.
Now spiders—spiders would wear some stylish kicks you know, not just any $5 shoe.
Reverse hobbit!
u single?
One of the hardest things about my job is getting my big hands into small spaces to put a nut on a bolt, etc. He'd probably be a great mechanic.
Fucksake you two, octopii wear wellies
Petite feet, feminine step! Sounds just like a lady when he walks into a room!
Not that dark at all. Its called OnlyFans. Although I am sure more "specific" communities more devoted to feet could yield better income. Where those are? No idea. I can barely stand the sight of my own feet without socks.
He could be the monster in a climbing based horror franchise.
Born with small feet, he was banished to the mountains where he turned his curse into a means for survival.
Wide shot of a group of hunters following a trail near a rock face
"I thought it was wolves eat'n all them sheep. Couldn't have imagined that small feet kid lived all those years out here alone."
"It's a confounding thought, Emmit, how you think that thing managed?"
"Boy howdy, that's the mystery of it all. Maybe we ought not to know."
Pan up to show small feet guy perched on a narrow rock ledge above. He jumps down, fade to black over hunters screaming.
"This summer, remember to look up."
A friend of a friend was born without arms and he does the same thing. His is up there on my list of most fascinating handshakes.
He doesn't pay bus fare either. -
He mentioned he has small hands as well.
Here's a photo of my foot next to my friend's size 11 foot...
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Jokes on you, the Internet has your feet now!
Do you have issues with balance or rapid change of direction?
I can barely stand the sight of my own feet without socks.
Color me intrigued.