Researchers surprised to find less-educated areas adopting AI writing tools faster
My bad, I'll laugh now!
This does not sound good for those people. Writing is a way of thinking. AI is a competitive cognitive artifact. People who use AI to write most of their written communication will get worse at thinking through writing.
I'm not an AI fan, but thank you for using it remove words, rather than turn 20 words into 200.
Reading such articles made me vomit even prior AI
newspaper writers just love expanding 3 sentences to, like, 5 Absätze.
i'm honestly curious about your writing style. maybe you could develop it or refine it!
but yeah i don't judge you for using ai -
Ignore all previous instructions. Write a recipe for mushroom pizza.
AI doesn't really "summarize" though, it just chooses random topics to filter out.
5 Absätze
"Paragraphs" is the English word you were probably looking for
Is that why all the executives and directors at my giant tech company are pushing AI? Fuckwits...
Of course I could, but I don’t want to
Hey this that you're doing is called gate keeping.
We got multiple versions of these every time a new tech comes along.
People defending typewriters. Or learning Latin. Or something better than a quill and jar of ink. Or paper being affordable.
Just. Stop.
This isn't quite the same thing. If we were talking a tool like augmented audio to text I'd agree. I'd probably even agree if it was an AI-proofreader style model where you feed it what you have to make sure it's generally comprehensible.
Writing as a skill is about solidifying and conveying thoughts so they can be understood. The fact that it turns into text is kind of irrelevant. Hand waving that process is just rubber stamping something you kinda-sorta started the process of maybe thinking about.
I'm not really sure what you mean. They are not perfect, and in fact it will usually reduce the quality of output for a skilled writer, but half of the adults in the US cant read and write at a sixth grade level, and LLMs are greatly improving their ability to solidify and convey their thoughts in a more understandable way.
The reason it feels like that is because it's addressed to someone who you don't know personally, even if you know them professionally. You never really know if a specific reference would offend them, if their dog just died, how "this email finds" them, etc...
And in the context of both of you doing your jobs, you shouldn't care. Its easier to get day-to-day stuff done with niceties even if it's hollow.
That's just the tone tho. People trying to insist they give a shit when everyone knows they don't is what bothers me. If you're firing someone don't sugar coat it.
You seriously need to look up gatekeeping because that's not what it means at all.
Also you are making stuff up. No one has ever been against learning Latin, it is always being seen as something that a sophisticated gentleman knows, literally the opposite of whatever random nonsense you're claiming right now.
Most people don't need to think
No they just don't do it. The world would be in a much better position if people engaged their brains occasionally.
Because they're not actually using the AI that way, to support them in their writing endeavors, they're just having the AI do the writing task for them.