Mandatory jail term for Nazi salute under new hate crime rules in Australia
*Unless applied in benefit
a paywall for a moral breach sounds like a horrendous idea
A hard line angled up at about 45 degrees.
That's true, then it can be good
Honestly what else is there to do? These people aren’t exactly going to change their minds, and letting them display hate in the name of free speech is only going to help them mobilize and elect more trumps in the world.
I’ll take…. “Things You’ll Never See Happen in America” Alex.
You’re playing into the paradox of tolerance. Don’t do that.
Yeah, but most of the people I imagine pulling a Nazi salute "as a joke like Elon (were so hilarious haha look at those [insertracialslur])" might be deterred from pulling their shitty "joke" if it actually means prison time automatically. It doesn't matter if it's just like a week. Try explaining to an employer why you didn't attend the important meeting you had because you sat in jail for a week for a fascist "joke".
I sat on a jury recently and a large part of the case had to do with prison culture. It's so incredibly sad how accurate this is.
Was there another Holocaust or something I don't know about during the time in this article?
I mean free speech is a deeply contradictory concept, which i largely support, however, people having the "right" to harm others is not a human right but a right of domination, which I am actively and deeply set against.
It does create an opportunity for a little irony, which I can't pass up.
But part of my criticism is not just "Nazis exist in prison" but "carcerial justice is just as fascistic as anything we associate with fascism" which never gets even though about let alone discussed anywhere but the fringes of the prison abolition movement.
And things like prisons and police, the existence of many kinds of crime, particularly property crimes, need to be considered historically contingent, so that no matter how much we want to just delete all prisons they do serve as a solution to contradictions that arise within our society. So that the struggle to abolish carcerial punishment has to be simultaneously replaced with something better. Which is just and worth fighting for.
Getting rid of heil Hitler hand gestures in public might prevent the public proliferation of "signs" of fascism, the actual causes of it are institutional and function in cooperation with systems of institutional racism, Etc., and until those tendencies are abolished, and that is the worst expressions of class domination within capitalism, fascism will always be a problem to contend with.
In other words, we have fascism because we have prisons. Or rather, the underlying logic of fasciam is just the underlying logic that justifies carcerial justice, taken to its natural conclusions.
So its not just irony, its like a double irony
My dad was a prison guard, I've thought about some of these dynamics a lot over the years.